Public Records Archiving is necessary for efficient public records request response. Upon receiving a records request, agencies must be able to provide access to the public records within a specific time frame. These records may be in the form of books, papers, maps, photographs, machine-readable materials, and data stored electronically, such as websites, blog posts, chat logs, email, and SMS messages.
Such records are essential since it promotes an effective and efficient government as records and information are important assets of an agency. Also, it promotes transparency and accountability to the citizens.
Archiving these records are is a part of Public Records Law. According to the requirements of the Freedom Information Act and most State Open Law Records, the public has the right to access federal and state records, including employee text messages. Additionally, NARA also requires federal bodies to systematical archive and manage texts and electronic messages sent between public officials.
Archiving messages has become a priority, especially to some state governments to implement a solution that will allow them to capture and record mobile messages of their employees. Considering the new recordkeeping laws come to an entirely new data retention process, which results in difficulties for a public office.
Such issues may arise from the common misconceptions about public records archiving. To learn more, click this infographic from TeleMessage.